Monthly Archives: February 2010


I was pretty quiet during my Alexander Technique lesson today. My teacher asked me what I was thinking. “I’m thinking about asking my… for a loan,” I said. “Oh,” she said. “I’d be glum too.” My teacher worked on my … Continue reading

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Jewish-themed films earn Oscar noms

From Jews who scalp Nazis, an older Jewish man who seduces a non-Jewish schoolgirl and a Jewish family in the suburbs have earned three out of 10 best-picture nominations for the 82nd annual Academy Awards.

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I’m Learning To Be Gentle With Myself

I’ve had therapists tell me to be a friend to myself, to be gentle with myself. I understood what they were saying, but I had a hard time practicing it. I was filled with too much self-loathing. While I practiced … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: Chief rabbi: Judges won’t deliberate nullifying conversions: link 1000 rabbis warn: open homosexuality in the military is a disaster and may cause further natural disasters: link More than a paycheck (note the correlation between the three types of … Continue reading

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Used Car Fraud

Yisroel Pensack posts on Failed Messiah: The original corrupt multimillion-dollar “charity” used-car fraud king was Chabad-Lubavitch “Rabbi” Bentzion Pil from San Francisco. He and his wife Mattie Plotkin even made the front page of The Wall Street Journal for their … Continue reading

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