Daily Archives: February 17, 2010

Business Scandals Among LA Persian Jews

The Jewish Journal reports: Just over a year ago, Ezri Namvar was forced into involuntary bankruptcy and accused by investors of creating a Ponzi scheme that lost as much as $500 million that had been loaned to him

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Seeds In The Wind

David Suissa writes in the Jewish Journal: This is a time of year that I dread, when I have to write about my three days at LimmudLA, a smorgasbord of everything Jewish. It’s like trying to squeeze 10 or 12 … Continue reading

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Reclaim Your Reputation Online

Most people I know whine when they don’t like what a Google search reveals about them. Then they either do nothing or they make stupid blustery threats. That’s for losers. If you don’t like what the internet says about you, … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Applied The Smackdown To Wayward Camp Kids

Dennis Prager writes (and click this link for Wonkette’s rebuttal): The Doritos kid deserved a physical response from this man

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: Vatican putting wartime archives on Internet: link Martin Grossman executed in Florida: link Agudah expresses

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