Daily Archives: February 8, 2010

Will My Beard Hurt My Job Prospects?

Most of the people close to me hate my beard. They say it will hurt my job prospects. That people don’t like beards. I know there are jobs that require a person to be clean-shaven, but I am not so … Continue reading

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Why Is A Super Bowl Win So Great For New Orleans?

Dennis Prager: We always hear this, but I’m not sure why it is true. “They always say this. Every time a city’s team wins, it’s great for the city. And we all believe it. And then if you think about … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Applauds Lack Of Raunch In Super Bowl Ads

Dennis Prager opposes social and political issue ads on sports events. He says the Super Bowl etc should be areas of life safe from political conflict. On his radio show today, Dennis said: “The Focus on the Family ad, had … Continue reading

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Prop 8 Trial Judge Gay

The San Francisco Chronicle reports: The biggest open secret in the landmark trial over same-sex marriage being heard in San Francisco is that the federal judge who will decide the case, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, is himself gay. … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: The debate over the NY Times Jerusalem bureau chief: I, II A diverse new wave of kosher in Teaneck: link Survey evaluates changing Jewish community in Rochester area: link R. Shmuel Hain on the middle path of women’s … Continue reading

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