Daily Archives: February 18, 2010

I Said Yes To HaShem

During LimmudLA, a woman berated me for not sleeping with her. Not last year. And not this year. “I didn’t say no to you,” I explained. “I said yes to HaShem.”

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The Company Goy

Mark Levine emails: Mr. Ford: I am following up on today’s post by Arthur Bloberger, a former colleague of mine at the Las Vegas Jewish Federation and a true mensch in every sense of the word. I know everyone reading … Continue reading

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Las Vegas Justice

Las Vegas entertainment executive Tom Ficara emails about 30 prominent Jews: I will shortly be departing for Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio to coordinate interviews of relevant victims, administrators, witnesses, etc. regarding the Fear and Loathing in … Continue reading

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How Our Relationships Affect Our Health


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The Late Lamented ‘Jewish Reporter’ Newspaper Of Las Vegas

Here’s some background. Arthur J. Bloberger, the former editor of the “Jewish Reporter”, emails me today: Although I’ve still not heard the results of my unemployment appeal hearing (way overdue by their own estimation – I don’t know if that’s … Continue reading

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