Daily Archives: February 9, 2010

Small Claims Beit Din Set Up In Fairfax/La Brea

It has the support of rabbis Gershon Bess and Avrohom Union of the RCC. For more information, call 323-988-0160. It is located at Kollel Yechiel Yehuda at 354 North La Brea Avenue, LA, CA 90036. TheUpperWestSidePosek: I have another idea … Continue reading

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I’m Getting Skewered!

From my live cam: guest9: Typical of my ponce of a lad! Whinging about his financial state but dilly-dallying about the computuer like the fair-dinkum drongo he is! guest10: Desmond, calm down! It’s no good for your health raging at … Continue reading

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Leon Wieseltier’s Attack On Blogging

In an article on Andrew Sullivan, The New Republic’s Literary Editor Leon Wieseltier writes: “He is the master, and the prisoner, of the technology of sickly obsession: blogging–and the divine right of bloggers to exempt themselves from the interrogations of … Continue reading

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