Monthly Archives: March 2010

A Dominican-American Convert To Orthodox Judaism

From The Jewish Press: Why did you start blogging? I started the conversion process; I was 25 years old. Every Shabbat meal, someone would ask me, “Why are you in the conversion process?” One of my friends, Drew Kaplan, was … Continue reading

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Converting The Mentally Ill

Orthodox Jews don’t look for converts among non-Jews. They typically turn away three times Gentiles seeking conversion and then only convert them after they have proved themselves. Now what happens if the convert is sincere but mentally ill? Different Batei … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, Personal, R. Avrohom Union, R. David Rue | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Converting The Mentally Ill

About Last Night

A former yeshiva girl writes: My friend came back and told me the details of her night. The last time I saw her she was sitting downstairs with a couple of her friends. The night went as follows: The bartender�s … Continue reading

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Credo 13

Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: I wanted to let readers know about the thirteen episodes of a show focusing on the Thirteen Principles. It is called Credo 13 and you can find it here. It appeared on Canadian television and

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Every Generation The Goyim Try To Annihilate Us

Joe emails: What the sam hill are you writing about on your blog these days that you cannot draw attention to the State of Israel and its sudden pariah status in the West Wing? You were not of the faith … Continue reading

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