Daily Archives: February 16, 2010

I’m Getting Hot Flashes

I think I’m going through menopause. Khunrum emails: Who the hell is going to hire a middle aged guy with no marketable job experience and a Pelican’s Nest growing under his chin?

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Young Israel of Santa Monica Crew Rejoins Pacific Jewish Center

I understand that the half-dozen stalwarts of Young Israel of Santa Monica, a breakaway from the Pacific Jewish Center about 18 years ago, have rejoined the mother shul. When Rabbi Daniel Lapin was in his prime, he kicked out a … Continue reading

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Divine Providence

Joe emails: Once could point to the past year in American politics as a better proof of the existence of God than the ontological proof. Upon inauguration, Obama was in a high earth orbit. The press was as smitten as … Continue reading

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Luke Ford – Failed Alpha Male

Glenn emails: Hi Luke, A while ago I noticed you lamenting on your website about the difficulty of attracting women. It has to do with being or not being an alpha male. Alpha males attract women. There are some sub … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried Interview 14

See the whole thing.

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