Daily Archives: February 1, 2010

Used Car Fraud

Yisroel Pensack posts on Failed Messiah: The original corrupt multimillion-dollar “charity” used-car fraud king was Chabad-Lubavitch “Rabbi” Bentzion Pil from San Francisco. He and his wife Mattie Plotkin even made the front page of The Wall Street Journal for their … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager For President

A YouTube poster named Prager4President2012 reacts to my video: “I heard him reference this quote the other day and he mentioned that he would like to come to Iowa (for the straw poll possibly?). I think it would be smart … Continue reading

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What Would Our Founding Fathers Say Today?

Dennis Prager gave this speech in Redondo Beach Thursday night. Here’s a report: 1) They

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Dennis Prager’s First Column For The Jewish Journal Of Los Angeles

I feared there would be no original content in Prager’s column. He’d just rehash things he’d said thousands of times before. I was wrong. There’s an original story about his first book: We sent the manuscript to the Jewish Publication … Continue reading

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No More Shul In San Bernadino

From The Los Angeles Times: Emanu El, once the only Jewish congregation in San Bernardino, moved east to Redlands last December, leaving one of the biggest cities in California with no center for organized Judaism. The controversial move, after more … Continue reading

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