Monthly Archives: December 2009

Resentment of the Rich Never Employed Anyone

That was Dennis Prager’s great line on his radio show today. “Resentment of the rich does not help the poor. It just hurts the country.” Prager’s solution for our unemployment problem? Cut taxes. I think the solution is for Obama … Continue reading

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My Fantasy Girl

Thursday night at Workmen’s Circle, I read this story: I met Jane at UCLA in the fall of 1988. I was an atheistic communist at the time, lost in the early stages of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I spent most of … Continue reading

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Demonizing Those Against Illegal Immigration

Stephen Steinlight emails: Hi, Friends, I’ve written to several of you over the last months about the rampant McCarthyism employed by my opponents in the immigration debate (NCLR, SPLC, HIAS, LCCR, etc) who have turned the act of disagreeing with … Continue reading

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Actress Meredith Baxter Comes Out As A Lesbian

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: “The LGBT crowd and its defenders tell us that sexual orientation is fixed. Are you worried we are going to make kids gay? That’s the argument and it is largely accurate with … Continue reading

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How Much Hingeing Should A Person Have Before I Publicize Them?

I have never allowed the degree of a person’s hingeing to effect how much I publicize them. Frankly, the more unhinged, the better. This may not be moral, but it is a lot of fun.

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