Daily Archives: September 2, 2009

Who Do You Love More?

When I was a kid, some time between age eight and 15, I asked my mother who did she love more? Me or dad? She said dad. Should you put your spouse or your kids first? Dennis Prager tackled the … Continue reading

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Feeling Like An Outsider In Orthodox Judaism

I have a several close female friends who’ve flirted with Orthodox Judaism but not finished conversions to it. They look obviously goyish. They feel like conspicuous outsiders to the Jewish community, and they fear that they will always be viewed … Continue reading

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Let’s Debate Fundamental Principles

Thomas Frank, who’s left of center, writes for the Wall Street Journal: What’s dragging the Democrats down in the health-care debate isn’t confusion about details. On this the president and his supporters have proven themselves the ablest of technocrats, easily … Continue reading

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Reading between the lines on my blog, you’d expect that anatomy would be my favorite subject. You’d be wrong. Sure, when it is made personal I can find it attractive, but as an academic subject, it bores me. I have … Continue reading

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‘Shame On You’

Jane Doe emails: I was trying to google shalhevet school for my son and came up with all this "stuff" on your blog? website? about information about lawsuits etc I worked at shalhevet during the time of those situations you … Continue reading

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