Daily Archives: September 13, 2009

Sex Abuse In Lakewood

From APP.com: The town’s rabbinical leaders strongly deny their residents are discouraged from reporting suspicions to law enforcement as a way to avoid outside stigma. If anything, they say, there is an increased hypersensitivity toward ridding the community of offenders … Continue reading

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My Next Challenge – Making People Feel Safe

A friend says: "I think the banning is more because they want members to feel safe. It’s not that they think you are a physical threat but people are worried what you might write about them. It’s something for you … Continue reading

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Israeli Film Wins Top Prize At Venice

VENICE (Reuters) – Hard-hitting Israeli war movie "Lebanon" won the Golden Lion for best picture at the Venice film festival on Saturday. Director Samuel Maoz shot almost the entire drama, featuring graphic and disturbing scenes of violence, from inside a … Continue reading

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Visiting Rabbis’ Graves Outside Of Israel Is Idolatry

Many of my friends are at Uman, in central Ukraine, to daven at the graveside of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. I don’t know much about the issues involved in this matter, but from the little I know, I agree with … Continue reading

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Valley Village To Get A Happy Minyan

Many of us find that the only time we enjoy davening is when we’re rocking out at the Happy Minyan, which prays to Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach melodies. Now I hear that the San Fernando Valley is getting its own Happy … Continue reading

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