Daily Archives: September 20, 2009

Why Are Some Teams Always Finesse Teams?

The Dallas Cowboys, no matter the coach, have been a finesse football team for about 50 years now. By contrast, the Pittsburgh Steeler have always been a brutal force team. Why has this never changed? The teams have been successful. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Says Michael Jackson Threw His Life Away

I was sitting with a group of Gentiles last week. They were discussing Shmuley Boteach’s book “Face Your Fear“. They love his TV show "Shalom in the Home." They were impressed I knew Shmuley. He was one rabbi they could … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Angry Female Caller

On his happiness hour Friday, Dennis Prager took a call from Connie in Sacramento. Connie: "People have a fundamental moral obligation to be real. That’s the problem in our culture right now. It’s the opposite of what you’re saying. Everybody … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Doesn’t Understand Male Sexual Boasting

On Wednesday, Prager discussed male sexual boasting. His show was inspired by the Michael Duvall fall. "There are parts of men’s behavior that even I don’t relate to," says Dennis. "I don’t want to investigate politician’s private lives, but if … Continue reading

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Jeffrey S. Gurock’s Social History Of Orthodox Jews In America

I’ve met Dr. Gurock. He was wonderful. I loved talking to him. He seemed like a real mentch. He’s an engaging speaker and writer, but I am disappointed by sections of his latest book "Orthodox Jews in America." It purports … Continue reading

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