Daily Archives: September 7, 2009

Yisroel Pensack: Dead Rebbe As Mashiach

I was invited to a wedding and reception for the son of a San Francisco Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi/shaliach.

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Sex In Jerusalem

"Nobody ***** in Jerusalem," says my friend Josh*. "They bring redemption. "You’ve heard of Jerusalem Complex? People go to the Wall and they think they’re the Messiah? They go to Israel and they think they’re some Biblical character. Everything has … Continue reading

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‘If You Really Want To Do Kindness, You Should Sleep With Me’

I’m getting ready for the Days of Awe by listening to Torah talks by Rabbi Ari Kahn. Here’s a groovy lecture on the evolving shofar. Rabbi Kahn: "Kindness is something we need to be careful about." "We’re told that Avraham’s … Continue reading

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Would You Like To Shake My Lulav?

When I came to Los Angeles in 1994, I was hosted several times for Shabbat and holiday meals by a nice Orthodox family in Pico-Robertson. Then, due to the raunchy nature of my blogging, the invites ceased. In the summer … Continue reading

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Lustful Thoughts Are A Sin

I got some very bad news this afternoon. I was lying on my bed of nails listening to Torah talks by Rabbi Ari Kahn. In his second lecture on Rosh Hashanah, he says that lustful thoughts are a sin. Most … Continue reading

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