Daily Archives: September 6, 2009

Dinner With My Best Friend From High School

Shannon shows up at 8:20 pm, twenty minutes late. I met him in the fall of 1982. We lived a mile from each other, a mile outside of Auburn, CA. I used to get rides to school with him. Shannon … Continue reading

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Instant Enlightenment – Fast, Cheap And Nasty

I’m getting into the teachings of David Deida. Here’s a book of his: David Deida – Instant Enlightenment

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The Cure

"I need to thank you," I said to my girlfriend of eight months. "You have cured me of my lustful desires."

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Connecting To God

I was just looking at a new book: "Jewish meditation practices for everyday life: awakening your heart, connecting with God" What if these practices actually worked and you did connect to God? I can’t imagine it would be too pleasant. … Continue reading

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My Feelings

Friday afternoon, I had two beautiful women paying attention to me. One, however, was about to call Kavel. "How can you call Kavel when I’m talking about my feelings?" I wailed to Kris. She smiled and gave herself to me … Continue reading

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