Daily Archives: September 18, 2009

How Does She Feel When Men Look At Her With Lust?

I’ve just finished writing up my long interview with former model turned life coach Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci. I live my life on a very spiritual plane, so many of the afflictions that common men suffer are not problems for me. … Continue reading

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JUDEN OF LOS ANGELES – I HAVE RETURNED!  A panel of indisputably authentic torah gadols has certified that I am one of you, which means that I am now perfectly free to move in your circles, pray in your temples, … Continue reading

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The Black Balloon

Email: Hello Luke: I’m not really sure you will read this email but I hope you do or at least that the message is passed to you. My name is Madalena, I’m 14 years old and I’m from Portugal. I … Continue reading

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