Daily Archives: September 14, 2009

Let’s Do Some Yoga

Dr. Gabrielle Pelleci is an extraordinary young woman I encountered on Facebook.   http://enerje.com http://myspace.com/gpelicci http://www.youtube.com/user/gpelicci http://underwaterwriting.blogspot.com

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A Miracle Of Grace

I emailed my Christian mother Sunday: "I finished my Orthodox conversion today [with the Los Angeles Beit Din]…more than 16yrs after finishing my conversion with a Reform rabbi…" She responded: "It’s a miracle of grace." Joe emails: "Welcome to the … Continue reading

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Law Vs Medicine

A lawyer friend emails: Regarding my own experience, I’m a bit of a nerd, and I do not flash my money or drive an expensive car. Perhaps this is to my detriment. On the other hand, I did retire at … Continue reading

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Las Vegas Jewish Newspaper Folds

Report: Next week’s celebration of the Jewish New Year will mark the end of an era for readers of the Jewish Reporter. The newspaper will cease publication after 33 years of reporting on such local news as religious celebrations and … Continue reading

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Artificial Insemination Forbidden For Single Women

Jerusalem Orthodox Rabbi Shlomo Aviner writes: Q: If it permissible for a single woman, who is reaching the age of forty, sees that she does not have a reasonable chance of getting married and desperately wants a baby, to be … Continue reading

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