Daily Archives: September 2, 2009

Berkeley Orthodox Mohel Is Ill

I received the following email from the Berkeley Beit Midrash:  Dear Friends, As Rosh HaShana approaches and we reflect on the many blessings of our lives and the opportunities to effect positive change in the world, please consider the needs … Continue reading

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Why Coaches Vote Republican

From the Wall Street Journal: American politics are rich with characters and stereotypes—Joe the Plumber, Harry and Louise, Nascar dads and hockey moms, to name a few. But one persistent type hasn’t gotten much attention: the Republican football coach. During … Continue reading

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Is Kundalini Yoga Sex Yoga?

The other night I was doing yoga and we were told to lie on our stomachs and raise our butts in the air and then crash our pelvises to the floor and repeat. I am not ashamed to admit that … Continue reading

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Birthright’s Ties To Haredi Judaism

The Forward reports: Many of the young people who pass through the Jewish Enrichment Center in Lower Manhattan view it with great affection. It is often the first time they have come in contact with a Judaism that is engaging … Continue reading

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Facebook Addiction

I’ve never spent even an hour on Facebook during a 24-hour period but I have a friend who confesses she drank a bottle of wine last night by herself and spent six hours on Facebook. This does not seem good. … Continue reading

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