Daily Archives: September 24, 2009

Yisroel Pensack: Berkeley Mohel Battling Oral Cancer Wrote Rosh Hashanah Poem

This poem by the seriously ill mohel and Torah teacher Rabbi Chanan Feld was read to his Beit Midrash Ohr HaChaim congregation in Berkeley by his wife Jody on Rosh Hashanah:  Rosh HaShanah words from Rabbi Chanan Feld [HaRav Chanan … Continue reading

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The Unhappy Housewife

The unhappy housewife in one of John Updike’s final short stories says to her husband with tears in her eyes, "You don’t need me. You just need my asshole."

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A 40 plus woman, Jane*, was complaining to me the other day about a Hollywood executive. They’d had dinner. It had been set-up by a family friend. Jane said the topic was this lofty social activism issue. She thought the … Continue reading

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