Monthly Archives: August 2009

Do Banks Discriminate Against White People?

I’m reading this new book by economist Thomas Sowell — The Housing Boom and Bust. For more than a decade, US newspapers have editorialized that banks are more conservative than they should be about lending money to blacks. The current … Continue reading

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Living With Uncertainty

From Hirhurim: > Has the issue of human authorship of the Pentateuch reached a level of overwhelming evidence? I certainly don’t think so, and I have written a number of posts on that subject. If you were more self aware, … Continue reading

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Buying BJ Services For $5.5 Billion

I think the price is a little steep. From Yahoo Finance: NEW YORK (Reuters) – Oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc said on Monday that it would buy peer BJ Services Co for $5.5 billion in a move to take … Continue reading

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What Is He Thinking?

This piece on AOL nails it: "If a woman ever wonders what her boyfriend or husband thinks when he looks at her, she can’t go wrong if she imagines this: He sees her as an endless abyss of need. In … Continue reading

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Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom

I’m reading this new book by Bruce Bawer and I feel like a dilettante. Much of Europe is surrendering to Islam and what am I doing? Bawer makes the point that the Ayatollah’s fatwa (death sentence) against novelist Salmon Rushdie … Continue reading

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