Daily Archives: September 22, 2009

The Popularity Of Peace

Joe emails: For the first time since I can remember, the Prime Minister of Israel is more popular, and wildly so, in Israel, than the President of the US. Netanyahu, who is now presiding over a country unified in its … Continue reading

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The Modern Orthodox Get A New Prayerbook

Yoel Finkelman writes in First Things: The prayer book includes a prayer for the State of Israel, not as an afterthought or a way to sell more books, but because this siddur celebrates Zionism. Where Artscroll’s commentary cites only those … Continue reading

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Conservative Movement Joins Fight Against Kapparot

From the Jerusalem Post: The Masorti (Conservative) Movement will join forces with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Tel Aviv to fight against the Jewish custom known as kapparot that involves slaughtering chickens as a way … Continue reading

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