Monthly Archives: September 2009

Men Are Motivated By Criticism, Women By Praise

A male acquaintance of mine wrote a book on fat after he was yelled at by a stranger, "Hey fatso, get out of the road." Women don’t seem to be motivated the seem way. I’ve told a lot of women … Continue reading

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19 Reasons To Blog And Not Just Tweet

Adam Singer writes: Twitter is popular because it is easy.  It is easy to setup, easy to copy-paste links into, and easy to write 140 character bits.  But, having your own blog remains the strongest platform if you’re serious about … Continue reading

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‘But I Wear A Yarmulke…’

D. emails: You whingeing little ponce! You write, "I wear a yarmulke and tzitzit and a beard and people still ask me if I’m Jewish." You’re NOT Jewish. A self-administered conversion doesn’t count. Rabbi Union was right. You’re a deceitful … Continue reading

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My Sore Stomach

"Do you have any thoughts on stomach aches?" I ask my Alexander Technique teacher today. "When do you get them?" he asks. "When I start worrying. I find myself clenching." "Well, what would you say to a friend with this … Continue reading

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Everyone Asks Me If I’m Jewish

I wear a yarmulke and tzitzit and a beard and people still ask me if I’m Jewish. I don’t get it. I’m the Jewiest Jew around. Is it my Aryan looks? Is there something off about my demeanor? Is my … Continue reading

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