Daily Archives: March 3, 2009

She Feels Disconnected From Judaism

I was talking to a frum-from-birth friend the other day who feel "disconnected" from Judaism. She’s not davening every day, she’s not saying blessings all the time when she eats, she’s not learning Torah regularly and she’s not attending shul … Continue reading

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Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

I don’t like to say goodbye. It makes me sad and nothing good can develop from it because you are about to split and it often means interrupting someone or waiting to say goodbye and just hanging on and clinging … Continue reading

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The Rehabilitation Of Aron Tendler

Here’s some background. I notice that Aron Tendler’s divrei Torah are all over Torah.org. Torah.org is run by a man with his own predatory ways. Some of them are reprinted in Community Links, which is distributed all over Los Angeles. … Continue reading

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Rabbis in the News

NEW YORK (JTA) — Rabbi Avi Weiss, the founder of the liberal rabbinical school Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, will host a ceremony later this month for Sara Hurwitz, who currently holds the title “madricha ruchanit,” or spiritual mentor, at Weiss’ synagogue, … Continue reading

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I Did My Therapy Today In Front Of Six Interns

I left my Alexander Technique class 15 minutes early today so I could get to my therapy at 12:45 pm. My therapist and I entered a room I had not been in before. We sat in front of a mirror. … Continue reading

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