Daily Archives: March 1, 2009

I Interview William Lobdell, Author Of The New Smash Hit ‘Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America-and Found Unexpected Peace’

I talk to Bill (WilliamLobdell.com) by phone Sunday afternoon. Bill: "I thought the two (religion and journalism) were intertwined. I thought God’s calling for me was to be a religion writer." Luke: "People do feel called to journalism. There is … Continue reading

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He Typed In Her Name With Bad Intentions

Now he’s been hit with holy conviction:

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Lakewood Yeshiva Student Dies Of Percocet Overdose

Report: Lakewood, NJ – Hatzolah responded about 11:00am Shabbas morning to East End Avenue, for reports of a teenage boy who was unconscious and didn’t wake up, from a drug overdose. After Hatzolah trying to work on the child to … Continue reading

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Roger Cohen On Iran’s Jews

Jason Maoz writes: It would be easier to take Cohen’s reporting from Iran at face value if one weren’t acquainted with his biases and preconceptions, but by writing the following he sort of gave the game away even to readers … Continue reading

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‘My Wife Hates You’

I’m friends with a lot of guys whose wives hate me. I’ll be sailing along thinking everything is hunky dory between us and then suddenly I’ll say something and I’ll see her temperature has turned ice cold towards me. And … Continue reading

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