Daily Archives: March 21, 2009

‘The Dying Animal’

Here’s my video review of the movie ‘Elegy": CTBatBoy comments: What struck me as laughable was the moment where David puts his hand on Consuela’s wrist and strokes it while they are sitting at the piano. His gnarled, wrinkled hand … Continue reading

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The Non-Jews and the Israeli Jews

A kashurt inspector I know worked at a food establishment owned by non-Jews. They were completely respectful of the laws of kashrut. He worked at a food establishment run by Orthodox Israelis who were constantly trying to do end-runs around … Continue reading

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A Miniskirt And A Sheitl

I was in the middle of the Kedusha — one of the high points of the Shabbos morning prayer service — when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw young female flesh. I looked out the door and … Continue reading

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My Shabbos Morning Nightmare

Just before I woke up this morning, I was having a pleasant dream that I was at graduate school at UCLA studying Philosophy. I was doing my thesis on Dennis Prager, an unconventional choice. I felt happy and fulfilled. I … Continue reading

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