Daily Archives: March 23, 2009

Evan Sayet Speaks To The Heritage Foundation

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What Is Inclusive Humor?

D. emails: "Inclusive humor is this, Sunny Jim: I smash you in the noggin with a cricket bat, thus "including" you in my little prank and the rest of the rest of the world and I have a fair-dinkum hearty … Continue reading

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The Guru Hugged Me

In class tonight, the Guru asks: "Do any of you have a goal?" We all raise our hands. "Do any of you want to attain your goal without effort?" Most of us keep our hands up. The Guru then explains … Continue reading

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May A Convert Serve On A Bait Din For Conversion?

From Hirhurim: May a Convert Serve on a Bet Din for Conversion: A Short Halachic Review, Some Halachic Thoughts of My Own and a Concluding Halachic Remark Guest post by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde In a Op-Ed in The Jewish … Continue reading

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Obama’s Shameful Joke About Special Olympics?

Shmuel Herzfeld is Rabbi of Ohev Sholom — The National Synagogue in Washington, D.C www.ostns.org. He writes in the Washington Post: President Obama was only joking last week when he quipped on Jay Leno’s show that his bowling is "like … Continue reading

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