Monthly Archives: April 2009

Ireland Prepares For Swine Flu

Emma:  I read in my local paper. They have made 700 burial spots in my city.. just in case the Swine Flue breaks here Emma:  In the Lisburn area, several hundred burial sites have been identified as being immediately available … Continue reading

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Rabbi Lazer Brody Speaks At Nessah Synagogue Tonight

Emunah emails: "You have been scooped by David Suissa. He is interviewing Rabbi Lazer Brody, Breslev Rabbi from Israel, who is in town to spread Emuna (trust in God), and is speaking tonight at Nessah. For his full schedule while … Continue reading

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Peter Lowy Back In The News

Click here to peruse the recent articles. They’re about the economy. They don’t talk about the longtime Pico-Robertson resident’s tax evasion and why he’s staying away from the United States. I suspect it will be a cold day in hell … Continue reading

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How Do LA’s Orthodox Rabbis Determine Their Moral Priorities?

All three Modern Orthodox shuls in Pico-Robertson — Bnai David-Judea, Beth Jacob and Young Israel of Century City — email their members to regularly rally outside the home of Meir Kin’s parents to protest his refusal to give a Jewish … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Acharei Mos-Kedoshim 5769

Steve Brizel writes: Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaHatzmaut Esther Wachsman describes the sense of unity generated for the safe return of Nachshon Wachsman, HaShem Yimkam Damo, z"l: link R. Dovid Miller and R. Ezra Schwartz examine the connection between Yom … Continue reading

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