Daily Archives: March 9, 2009

Dennis Prager Loves ‘Taken’

This movie stars Liam Neeson. Dennis says on his radio show today that he loves simple movies of good guys hurting bad guys. He notes that the critics hated this movie. It is too simple for them. They’re jaded. They … Continue reading

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Destroying Amalek

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The Purpose of the Priestly Garments R. Mordechai Willig reminds us to emulate the character of Aharon HaKohen in our everyday conduct: link R. Shalom Rosner discusses many halachic aspects of the Bigdei Kehunah: link (audio) … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism Vs. Kundalini Yoga

In some ways, these two spiritual paths compliment each other. In other ways, they conflict. I have been studying and practicing Judaism for 20 years. I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga for two months. Here are the most significant differences … Continue reading

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