Daily Archives: March 13, 2009

Racist Foupes

D. emails: "Foupe?" Is that anything like "faux pas?" You obviously learned nothing from when I punished your youthful sweet tooth by having you copy page after page out of the dictionary. I should have suck with my initial plan … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jew Ari Goldman Uses The ‘F’ Word

Ari’s wife Shira emails: Hi Luke, I am perversely proud to bring you this little media tidbit, courtesy of my husband Ari L. Goldman, the publicly Orthodox former New York Times staff reporter, author of one book with the word … Continue reading

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Jim Bellows RIP

1 p.m. I get the last seat inside the Westwood Presbyterian Church for Jim Bellows funeral. I forgot to wear a belt so my parents keep falling down. Gonna rock this place wigger-style! It’s filled with uptight goyim all well-dressed … Continue reading

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Why Are Some Orthodox Jews Fighting A Bill That Would End The Statute Of Limitations On Child Abuse In New York?

The New York Times reports: Roman Catholic and Orthodox Jewish officials in New York are mounting an intense lobbying effort to block a bill before the State Legislature that would temporarily lift the statute of limitations for lawsuits alleging the … Continue reading

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A Conversation With A Conspiracy Theorist

Zan Overall emails: Dear Luke and Fred, I have read Fred’s list of 46 ! things he “would be interested in knowing” about me, Luke’s “holocaust denier friend.”  I would answer all of them but it would take a lot … Continue reading

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