Daily Archives: March 25, 2009

Making Conversion To Orthodox Judaism Easier

From The Jerusalem Post: United Torah Judaism’s rabbinic leadership is expected to meet on Wednesday night to discuss a possible compromise in proposed conversion reforms that would allow the party to join the government coalition. The meeting is slated to … Continue reading

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My Wishes For The New Month

I always do what my teachers tell me and what my rabbis tell me and now I do what my gurus tell me. If their teachings clash, I’ll leave it to God to sort it out. He made me the … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim Update

LeahKleim:  HOLY s**t LEVI ! YOU LOOK LIKE JESUS YourMoralLeader:  how are you? LeahKleim:  Great YourMoralLeader:  yay LeahKleim:  yippy f**king kayay ! YourMoralLeader:  what you doing and where you living? LeahKleim:  Im not doing anyone. Im living in Crown Heights … Continue reading

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Breaking News Bulletin: I’m Depressed

I think my therapist Dr. Spielvogel (who has a psycho-dynamic orientation) made that diagnosis today. I think he said that I’ve always been depressed and that I currently use yoga, Alexander Technique and Orthodox Judaism to defend against my depression … Continue reading

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Why Do Jews, Christians And Muslims Pray To The East?

According to Wikipedia: "The Jewish custom of fixing the direction of prayer and orienting synagogues accordingly influenced both Christianity and Islam. In early Christianity, it was customary to pray facing toward the Holy Land, see also Jerusalem in Christianity. The … Continue reading

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