Daily Archives: March 2, 2009

Are Reform/Conservative Judaism A Separate Religion?

Orthodox Rabbi Reuven Spolter writes: In a "Modest Proposal" styled op-ed piece in the Jerusalem Post, Rabbi David Forman finally throws down the gauntlet. After years of trying to gain recognition from the government as legitimate streams of Judaism and … Continue reading

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Can Women Read The Megillah For Men?

Orthodox Rabbi Gil Student writes: There is a recent news item quoting R. Ovadiah Yosef as permitting women to read megillah on Purim for men (Haaretz, Arutz Sheva). This is in the news because R. Yosef recently said it publicly … Continue reading

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What Is Terrorist Travel?

WASHINGTON (March 2, 2009) – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s refusal to even use the word “terrorism” in remarks prepared for a congressional hearing last week underlines the fact that she has yet to commit to upholding the laws that … Continue reading

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