Daily Archives: October 12, 2008

Battle in Seattle is a Compelling Film

I’m a right-wing free trader so I am not at all sympathetic to the activists in this movie who disrupt the 1999 World Trade Organization talks in Seattle. The motivations of the activists are not clear to me but their … Continue reading

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There’s Nothing Like A Fight

I know it is not the Torah’s way, but sure is exciting watching the Philadelphia Phillies and Los Angeles Dodgers throw at each. The benches just cleared at the end of the last inning after the Dodger pitcher threw at … Continue reading

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I Am A Bad Jew

I went for a walk Sunday afternoon and paused beside Elat market where kids had competing lulav/etrog stands. A nice young kid offered me a set for $35. I seized the deal. We were immediately surrounded by other kids telling … Continue reading

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Don’t Go To Glatt Mart!

It’s erotic. Sunday afternoon, I’m shopping for some meager Succoth necessities (two bottles of vegetable pasta source, six apples and six bananas). I’m a simple Jew who wants to live by Torah and high speed internet. As long as I … Continue reading

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I Know I’m In Trouble…

….when my rabbi calls me "Luke." It happens no more than once year, but it always means I am in big trouble. He’s saying that the game is up. That I’m not funny anymore. That he’s not going to indulge … Continue reading

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