Daily Archives: October 8, 2008

Katie Couric’s Gotcha Questions

Dennis Prager writes: Just as Charlie Gibson did in his interview with Sarah Palin, Katie Couric set out to humiliate the Republican vice-presidential candidate with a series of "gotcha" questions. This tactic — rarely employed with major liberal candidates — … Continue reading

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Marc Gafni Returns To His Rebbe Role

Marc refers to himself as a "rebbe" on the front page of his new "Jewish Liberation School." I thought Marc was leaving the rabbinate behind him. That he was now a spiritual artist. Marc’s partner in this new endeavor, Gabriel … Continue reading

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Last chance to gather with your rebbe before Yom Kippur!

Click here to join my online fabrengen! I have so much wisdom to give, I feel like a cow dying to be milked.

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I Understand Now Why Managers Make 15%

I had a dispute with an artist that is going to cost me about 20 hours of my life with no reward. I was feeling angry and aggrieved this afternoon, even more angry and aggrieved than usual, when I got … Continue reading

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Construction Stops On Young Israel of North Beverly Hills

Here’s a recent photo:

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