Daily Archives: October 25, 2008

Hot Young Girls Want To Talk Torah With You VII

I found Monica and Helen at LA Direct Models. Complete discussion video here.

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Helen & Monica Say Shame And Sexuality Are Not Same Thing

Dennis Prager says there was no sexuality in the Garden of Eden until Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked. Complete discussion video here.

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Are Women The Apex Of Creation?

Monica and Jupiter don’t like the idea that women are the apex of creation. They say it is an excuse to discriminate against women, keep them out of Torah study. Complete discussion video here.

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What Does It Mean To Subdue The Earth?

Monica, a professor of Jewish studies, says these opening chapters of Genesis are her favorite parts of the Bible. She’s taught the Bible as literature. Complete discussion video here.

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Where Does Luke Ford Daven?

At shalosh sheudos (third meal) today, a new friend said to me, "All my friends ask me, ‘Is it true Luke Ford davens at the Happy Minyan?’" I’m still singing. Lila li. Li lalalalilili, bum, bum, bum. That place rocks. … Continue reading

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