Daily Archives: October 27, 2008

Sarah Failin’

Jane emails: She did not know what position he holds… At the meeting she said to Solly Meridor, how sorry she was that she couldn’t see him earlier and added: We expect to work with your Jewish agency… It’s unclear … Continue reading

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Dear God, Please Make Me A Doormat For Rabbis To Walk On

Though not quite yet.

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Where The Hell Is Levi?

I’m working on an interpretative Aboriginal dance. I’m gonna perform it in front of the five shuls that expelled me. I want to take my raw emotions and transform them into art that inspires people to follow the Torah! Blow … Continue reading

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I Return To Therapy

I left therapy because of financial issues in late 2001. I went back tonight. All the drama surrounding my latest shul expulsion has been dragging me down. I feel like the world is coming down on my head. I’m only … Continue reading

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Certifying Ethics

Big Red emails: A belated Chag Sameach. I think this Kosher Business Ethics [certification] is for the birds. To me it seems like a reaction to a few recent events. First and foremost, the Rubashkin debacle. There is no question … Continue reading

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