Daily Archives: October 22, 2008

Can Suicide Be The Right Choice?

If someone is miserable every minute of their life, is snuffing it a bad idea? I caught a drasha on Simchat Torah that said the best antidote to despair and suicide was Torah. One bloke got so upset with this … Continue reading

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Don’t Worry, We’ll Always Have Joe Biden

Mickey Kaus writes: "Mr. Gravitas: What was troubling about Biden’s loin-girding gaffe, as Ace of Spades notes, wasn’t the idea that Obama would be tested. It was the notion that we shouldn’t worry because he has Joe Biden as his backup! ("I’ve forgotten … Continue reading

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Will White People Riot If McCain Loses?

This black columnist says it is ridiculous to worry about blacks rioting if Obama loses. After all, they are such law-abiding citizens. Why would anyone after Watts and the LA Riots worry about blacks rioting because things don’t go there … Continue reading

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A Mechanic’s Perspective On Gas Prices

I see my mechanic a lot because my car is always breaking down. I spoke to him this week about the effect of gas prices. He lives in Sherman Oaks and works in zip code 90035. He said that a … Continue reading

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College Made Her Queer

Dennis Prager writes: Perhaps the most important argument against same-sex marriage is that once society honors same-sex sex as it does man-woman sex, there will inevitably be a major increase in same-sex sex. People do sexually (as in other areas) … Continue reading

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