Daily Archives: October 5, 2008

Fiddler on the Tank

I caught Lior Kaminetsky‘s concert Sunday evening at Young Israel of South Beverly Hills.

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‘Battle in Seattle’ V – Producer Mary Aloe

I interview her by phone Friday.

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The Significance Of Lamm Over Rackman

Shalom Auslander‘s memoir would not have been as juicy if his Uncle Norman did not run YU. Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: No one has yet written an article focusing on the Rackman-Lamm contest for election to the presidency of … Continue reading

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What Does ‘Glatt Kosher’ Mean?

Marc Shapiro writes in the Aug. 18, 2008 issue of the Forward: The very meaning of glatt kosher in the United States is not what most people think, namely, meat that has no adhesions. While this is indeed the original … Continue reading

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Can You Convert Yourself To Orthodox Judaism?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: :I refer to the Meiri’s position that be-diavad one can convert without a beit din. That is, following circumcision one can then accept the Torah and immerse all by oneself, and ex post facto it … Continue reading

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