Daily Archives: October 17, 2008

Is Obama A Victim Of White Republican Racism?

Charles Krauthammer writes: Let me get this straight. A couple of agitated yahoos in a rally of thousands yell something offensive and incendiary, and John McCain and Sarah Palin are not just guilty by association — with total strangers, mind … Continue reading

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The Torah’s Position On Illegal Immigration

The Torah’s Minutemen. Guarding the borders of Israel. Serious protection. Safeguarding the Homeland. Would the Torah encourage us to build a fence on the Rio Grande? Full video here.

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Monica Talks About Her Journey To Judaism

Midrash gave her a way to love the God of the Hebrew Bible. Is Franz Rosenzweig the way in to Torah? ‘The Star of Redemption.’ He’s elusive. Monica loves Immanuel Levinas. Full video here.

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36 Key Jews In The 2008 Election

From Haaretz: Eli Pariser: He heads MoveOn.org, a liberal on-line advocacy group that has raised large sums for Democratic candidates. Martin Peretz: The editor of The New Republic, he wrote an influential article entitled "Can friends of Israel – and … Continue reading

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Monica Loves Immanuel Levinas

Monica found Levinas life-changing. I find Levinas inscrutable. Monica recommends his books "Nine Talmudic Questions" and "Difficult Freedom." Full video here.

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