Daily Archives: October 15, 2008

Jesse Jackson Predicts Obama Will Not Put Israel First

From the New York Post: PREPARE for a new America: That’s the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week. He promised "fundamental changes" in … Continue reading

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I Don’t Need Them

I had some painful surgery recently. It was entirely elective. I decided to get rid of a couple parts of my body. I handed them over on Monday. "Here, please keep these for me," I said. "I don’t really need … Continue reading

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Paintings Too Controversial For Public Exhibition

Almost six minutes into the documentary The Rape of Europa: "In its basement archives, the Center for Military History in Washington D.C. stores many Nazi paintings too controversial for public exhibition. Among them are early watercolors by Adolf Hitler." I … Continue reading

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‘The Last Wave’ (1977)

I never got tribal stuff until I got into Orthodox Judaism. Living in the frum world, I understand what it means to belong to a counter-culture, to a group with an unpopular way of looking at important matters such as … Continue reading

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Rachel Resnick’s Memoir ‘Love Junkie’

Here‘s Rachel’s new book on Amazon.com and here is her website. I interview her at her home Sept. 24. She says she’d rather interview than be interviewed. Rachel: "I teach a lot. One of the things that gives me huge … Continue reading

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