Daily Archives: October 16, 2008

Live Torah Talk With Monica & Joey

Click here to join the fun. We’re discussing the last Torah portion — Vezot Haberachah (Deuteronomy 33 and 34). According to Wikipedia: “The Lord . . . came from the myriads holy, at His right hand was a fiery law … Continue reading

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I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

The rabbis must be happy when they can have one of their own write these stories. That way they won’t be asked any tough questions. This is what I call unethical journalism — having someone you control report on you. … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Daniel Korobkin, Ethics, Jewish Journal, Jewish Journalism, Modern Orthodox, Pico/Robertson, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

Reforming Orthodox Judaism

Joe emails: 1. No second day of Yom Tov. 2. Davening should be shortened to just the shema, the shemonah esreh and the psalm of the day. The rest of the time alloted should be for communal and interactive torah … Continue reading

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I’m Entering A Blogger Treatment Center

Only now can the full story be told. Just before Rosh Hashanah, I drank too much manishevitz and outed some 18-year old seminarian blogger. Then I went to the Crowne Plaza on Pico and Beverwil and got into a fight … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk Politics

Joe emails: What is the difference between god and Antonio Villaraigosa? God is everywhere. Antonio is everywhere but Los Angeles. A decent candidate with some minority flavor could and should beat AV in the mayoral election. Hahn lost because the … Continue reading

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