Monthly Archives: October 2008

I Know I’m In Trouble…

….when my rabbi calls me "Luke." It happens no more than once year, but it always means I am in big trouble. He’s saying that the game is up. That I’m not funny anymore. That he’s not going to indulge … Continue reading

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Phoney Baloney Adventists

I spent the years 1988-1994 in bed. No, I wasn’t having sex most of that time. Nor was I studying Torah. I was sick. I was so sick, I was so devastated by headaches, I couldn’t even listen to music, … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Go Away!

I keep seeing this sign on shuls throughout Pico-Robertson: Chaim Amalek emails: "Luke, be a man and walk out of that temple on your own accord. I’m sure the Gay Minyan will accept you just the way you are." Khunrum … Continue reading

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What Is The Essence Of Judaism?

Rabbi Stewart Weiss writes: Over the last generation, a philosophical battle has been raging over the soul and spirit of Judaism: Is it a religion of love, tolerance and inclusivity or is it rather a religion of strict adherence to … Continue reading

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Finding A Cantor Online

From YnetNews: Every year before the High Holidays, synagogues all over the world search for cantors who will stand up in front of the congregation and amaze the audience with stirring renditions of renowned prayers. Until now, leaders of the … Continue reading

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