Category Archives: Internet

Decoding Doxxing (6-10-24)

01:00 The Far Right’s New ‘Badge of Honor’, Mark Lilla on left v right, DTG on the lab leak hypothesis, Problematic, 10 Days That Shaped Modern Canada (w/ Aaron Hughes, author), Elliott Blatt joins the … Continue reading

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Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality (12-7-23)

03:00 Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality, JF Gariepy’s advice to the new streamer39:30 How do you develop a good epistemic network? The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins 1:08:00 Communicating facts vs enhancing relationships 1:13:00 Lex … Continue reading

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Decoding Justin Murphy (8-28-23)

01:00 My cliffs of Bondi Beach story, The Art of Noticing | Steve Sailer, Curious Gazelle hosts Justin Murphy, Talking to friends about heavy issues12:30 Justin Murphy is 37, he doesn’t go to church high , … Continue reading

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How Livestreaming Made Me A Better Man

Dispensing your opinions online tends to degenerate most people as they develop an e-personality that corrodes their real life. I started blogging in 1997 and I’ve experienced my share of the perils of the e-personality (carelessness, impulsiveness, thoughtlessness, self-aggrandizement, audience … Continue reading

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Social Media

From the Washington Post: “Real human connections create a virtuous cycle. Burnett explains that face-to-face interactions typically are more rewarding than online conversations because they activate more parts of the brain. “You’re looking at someone’s facial expression; you’re getting empathy … Continue reading

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