Monthly Archives: September 2008

‘The Shiksa Syndrome’

Via email, I interviewed author Laurie Graff via email about her new novel Shiksa Syndrome. * How did you choose this topic? Shiksa Syndrome’s been around a long time. I actually came up with it when I was acting and … Continue reading

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Hostels – The Ultimate Travel Deal

One of my many roles as a gatherer of information – I read a ton of copy each day, from press releases to magazine articles to any number of breaking news items – is to separate relevant stuff, the material … Continue reading

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‘May You Have A Sweet Year’

A lot of people have come out of the woodwork of late to wish me a good year. Some of them actually mean it. They actually believe that our fate for the next year will be sealed during the next … Continue reading

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I Didn’t Go To The Flag Raising At The Israeli Consulate Today

I hear it was a two hour lovefest. I went instead to the West Hollywood Book Fair to brush up on the latest developments in queer lit. I sat in on a memoir writing workshop. There was a loud blonde … Continue reading

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I Know You Don’t Care For The Personal Parts Of My Blog

At least 20% of my website is devoted to me and this is the least read, least like section of my site. It’s wild and offensive and boring. I know. Sadly, the narcissistic supply I get from writing about myself … Continue reading

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