Daily Archives: September 13, 2008

Dena Schechter – Spiritual Artist

The most painful speaker to listen to at the University of Judaism (AJU) speaker series was board chair Dena Schecter. She tortures the English language. Why would someone who is such a poor communicator force herself on an unwilling public? … Continue reading

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Putting Michal Taviv In A Box

I’m collecting Danielle Berrin’s greatest hits. Here’s her lead for a story on the administrator of JConnectLA: "Just try to put Michal Taviv in a box — she won’t fit." Your honor, I object. Michal is not obese. There are … Continue reading

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Friday Night Lights

While I was sick this past week, I watched all 22 episodes of season one of the TV show "Friday Night Lights." I loved it. I also enjoyed the movie "Arranged." It’s about a budding friendship between two teachers — … Continue reading

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Temple Beth Am Needs A Leader

They let Rabbi Joel Rembaum retire. They let assistant rabbi Perry Netter go. Rabbi Netter resigned after he wasn’t given consideration for the top post. Rabbi Netter had a loyal following at the shul. Now he works at a hedge … Continue reading

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