Daily Archives: September 9, 2008

Vegetarianism Is Now The Cutting Edge Of Fashion

David Deutsch emails: Luke Ford is certainly no stranger to virtually prescient, uber-trendy fashionableness. After all, Luke was a dreamy Aussie expat with a heretical father and a complicated relationship to California’s Jewish community long before Mel Gibson made it … Continue reading

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David Mazlin Is Not A Sex Offender

I’ve published a lot about Valley Village Orthodox Jew David Mazlin‘s arrest for seeking sex with a minor . Well, search on CA’s Megan’s Law website. There’s no result for "David Mazlin." So I guess he’s not a convicted sex … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s Appeal

Jonathan Mark writes: I’m getting a hunch the Republicans just might win for one reason alone, and it makes no sense, just like Chabad makes no sense to the Jewish elite. That one reason is Sarah Palin. She reminds me … Continue reading

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One Of Two Chief Rabbis Of Lubavitch Excommunicated By Jewish Court

From Daas Hakohol: Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba is now in a NIDOY by Beis Din Tzedek Of America – Ein Moshe ! ! ! The 3 Rabbonim of the Zabla, who issued the Nidoy are: Horav Arye Mordechai Rabinovitch (Mitzad Horav … Continue reading

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Rubashkins Charged With Using Child Labor

Barry emails: Why do we eat Kosher? – because G-d said so, because we ‘answer to a higher authority’. Well, the Agriprocessors and Rabashkin’s answer to an even higher authority – the almight dollar. Now they will all answer to … Continue reading

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