Daily Archives: September 1, 2008

The Tao Of Steve

I have an email conversation with Steve, a new reader of mine from Florida. He writes: Dear Luke,   It would be really nice for you to actually do some homework before sharing your thoughts with the world. It was … Continue reading

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I Want One Of These Suits For Shul

From the Dallas Cowboys blog: Jerry Jones is intrigued by the idea of Adam "Pacman" Jones seeing spot time at receiver. WR coach Ray Sherman wants to give it a shot, too. Wade Phillips didn’t rule it out, although he’d … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Finds Gustav Coverage Boring

On his radio show at 9:10 am today: "It’s only category two. It’s not worthy of anybody’s attention. "I find the preoccupation with the hurricane boring. I have no interest in watching any of the television newscasts. I’m interested in … Continue reading

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A Liberal’s Lament About Barack Obama

Princeton History professor Sean Wilentz writes in Newsweek magazine: There is a quotation that ought to give Democrats, and not just Democrats, pause: "This year will not be a year of politics as usual. It can be a year of … Continue reading

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The Palin Paradox

Dana Stevens writes on Slate: "With the staggering news that Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, all I can think about are the nuttily mixed messages that Palin’s selection (and the media presentation thereof) sends out to women. It’s a … Continue reading

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