Daily Archives: September 2, 2008

In Memory Leah Kleim’s Sister

From here: A rabbi: We have entered the month of Elul. Chodesh Harachamim. The month of mercy. We can all use some Divine mercy in our lives. G-d’s way is middah keneged middah. A measure for a measure. When we … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin

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Hancock Park Jew Found Dead

From the Ventura County Star: Search teams found the body of Anatoly Smolyansky in Lake Piru on Monday, a week after he jumped into the water after his daughter and drowned. Smolyansky, 39, of Los Angeles, and his family were … Continue reading

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The Worst Thing You Can Say To A Woman

David DeAngelo writes: One of the problems with "telling her how you feel" is that it instantly changes the dynamics of the situation. When you say, "I like you" – in her head the woman hears: "He is admitting to … Continue reading

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Nice Jewish Girl Says Sarah Palin Must Go

The NJG: palin has to go The NJG: she’s going to ruin the entire party The NJG: the 17 year old pregnant daughter The NJG: and she’s only for abstinence! The NJG: yeah right The NJG: and troopergate The NJG: … Continue reading

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