Daily Archives: September 18, 2008

Charles Krauthammer Meets With The President For An Hour

He writes: In the hour I spent with the president (devoted mostly to foreign policy), that equanimity was everywhere in evidence — not the resignation of a man in the twilight of his presidency but a sense of calm and … Continue reading

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Race & Politics

Dennis Prager says on his radio show: Who are these racists who won’t vote for Obama? Republicans wouldn’t vote Obama, or any Democrat, so the racists must be Democrats. What do the ten American cities with the highest poverty rates … Continue reading

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What’s The Story Behind That Great Cover Photo On This Week’s Jewish Journal?

It looks like editor Rob Eshman taking the ultimate leap of faith. I never thought of the guy as particularly spiritual. I guess I’m wrong. Rob replies to my inquiry: "That’s me being pushed off a cliff by another angry … Continue reading

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Shooting Sarah Palin

David Suissa writes: Gov. Sarah Palin with filmmaker Elan Frank Photo courtesy Elan Frank I was visiting with a friend and Israeli war hero the other day, a guy with great stories named Elan Frank, and all we could talk … Continue reading

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Gay Shul Blesses Anonymous Sex

Why do the homos & Reform Jews get to have all the fun? Brad A. Greenberg writes: Oh my. JTA has a shocking feature about a new blessing a gay synagogue in San Francisco has developed for anonymous sex: Among … Continue reading

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