Daily Archives: September 19, 2008

So What Is It Like To Have A Rock Star Dad?

In the Seventh-Day Adventist world I grew up in, my dad was like a rock star. He’d get mobbed when he went out in public and learned the bitter truth of Sartre’s aphorism that "Hell is other people." As for … Continue reading

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Book Review: Desmond Ford: Reformist Theologian, Gospel Revivalist

I look around the Web and it is hard to find anyone hatin’ on my dad these days. Steve Parker writes: Milton Hook has written the first full biography of Desmond Ford – and it is a great read! It … Continue reading

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My Dad On The Atonement

Jared Wright writes: When Desmond Ford speaks, Adventists still listen. In fact speaking with people who heard Dr. Ford’s presentation, it became clear that much, if not most, of Adventism is aligned theologically with Desmond Ford where atonement is concerned. … Continue reading

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My Dad’s Faith

Bernard Brandstatter writes: I heard both of Des Ford’s lectures and the extended panel discussion in the afternoon (in which Fritz Guy, Kendra Haloviak, Larry Christoffel and Jon Paulien joined Des on the platform). At the end of both sessions … Continue reading

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Why Does Desmond Ford

It is precisely because of these sorts of theological controversies that I ran as far as I could from Christianity. When the Torah says to keep the Sabbath or bring two turtle doves to the temple, it is pointing out … Continue reading

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