Daily Archives: September 15, 2008

15 Reasons Why Palin Is Perfect For McCain — And Jews

Mark A. Bernstein writes: 1. Coming from the conservative wing of the Republican party, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin unites the GOP by helping to secure support from the conservative base, which was not enthusiastic about all of John McCain’s … Continue reading

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Good Things In Orthodox Judaism

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: CHIEF AMONG OUR CAUSES FOR COMMUNAL REJOICING is the vibrant world of Torah learning that has been built over the past half century, almost from nothing. There are hundreds of avreichim in Israel today, many of them … Continue reading

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Patriotism as the Defining Issue of the Campaign

Charedi Jew Jonathan Rosenblum writes: Patriotism is an issue, perhaps the defining issue. There is something very different between the visceral love of country that McCain discovered while imprisoned and tortured in another country and the “patriotism” of Obama, defined … Continue reading

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A Reader Visits Carmody & Co

My readers never cease to amaze me with their loyalty and trust in my recommendations. Take, for instance, my many reviews about Carmody & Co. (www.carmodynco.com), located in Pasadena at 121 East Union Street. A reader took my advice and … Continue reading

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The Twlight of the Luftmenschen

ChaimAmalek:  This is the twilight of the Luftmenschen. YourMoralLeader:  what are Luftmenschen? ChaimAmalek:  A yiddishism….someone who seems to live on air ChaimAmalek:  A trader who trades in the trades of others ChaimAmalek:  Or who takes a bunch of mortgages, bundles … Continue reading

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