Daily Archives: September 4, 2008

Dennis Prager: ‘The Make Believe Fear The Real’

Dennis Prager on his radio show: "I have not felt this way about an American politician since Ronald Reagan. "To see the attacks on her is to understand fear. The fear of real. The make believe fear the real. Resent … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Rocks Me

I think I know why she excites me — because she’s real. Ninety nine point nine percent of politicians are not. Sarah seems authentic. Obama strikes me as an empty suit. Just platitudes. The Democrats don’t know yet how to … Continue reading

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‘Good Lord, Luke, This Book Is Crazy!’

That’s a quote from Joey Kurtzman who’s lying down in the hovel now studying the Torah portion Shoftim in preparation for our dialogue starting circa 4 pm here. Complete video of my discussion with Joey Kurtzman on this week’s Torah … Continue reading

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Marty Beckerman On Sarah Palin

Martin emails: As an Alaskan born and raised, it’s surreal… Anchorage residents tend to mock Wasilla as The Jerry Springer Show come to life, and now its mayor could realistically become the leader of the free world. Everyone is shocked. … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Makes It Look Easy

Fred Barnes writes: That was easy. Sarah Palin delivered what may have been the most important speech ever by a vice presidential candidate and made it look like she’d been performing on the national political stage for years. And she … Continue reading

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